Stay Active While at West Loop Neighborhood by Visiting Brooklyn Boulders
Lies inside the West Loop neighborhood is a fun place called Brooklyn Boulders (BKB), designed so you can channel your adventurous self. It creates, constructs, and operates hybrid rock climbing facilities based on the premise that physicality fosters innovation and creativity. Their new 25,000 square foot facility in Chicago’s West Loop is now open. BKB Chicago provides progressive climbing and fitness experiences while also serving as an unconventional platform for bringing together the arts, music, culture, and entrepreneurial communities.

BKB has many other elements that make it the coolest gym in Chicago, in addition to three rooms with state-of-the-art rock walls. Upstairs, you’ll find a fantastic workspace where you can work on your laptop. There are Bosu ball office chairs, succulents and terrariums, plenty of electrical outlets, and plenty of lighting in the space.
Wait there’s more…
Every Wednesday night is ladies’ night, so ladies can come in for a reduced price and socialize with other amazing female climbers. BKB has a yoga studio, a weight room, and treadmills, so it’s not just for climbing. AND, once a month, they host a breakfast club in which they bring in coffee and eat at various local breakfast spots.
Don’t miss the chance to explore this place when you visit the West Loop Neighborhood. And after a tiring day at BKB, you can book a stay with us here at Hotel Chicago for a very relaxing rest.